"Cuando un ejército terran llega a un planeta nuevo, la primera nave en aterrizar es el centro de mando."
CommandCenter SCR Art1

Un centro de mando

Los centros de mando son el núcleo de cada puesto de avanzada terran.


"[El centro de mando] obviamente había sido construido más por función que por estética. Algún dibujante técnico de la Confederación en la División de I+D probablemente tuvo un romance apasionado con este diseño en algún momento, pero fue el único que lo apreció. El centro de mando estaba lleno de negocios."

- Ardo Melnikov(fnt)

Augustgrad SC1 Cncpt1

Un centro de mando en Korhal.

Los centros de mando, también conocidos como "puestos de mando",[1] son procesadores móviles de recursos que se pueden reubicar en donde abunden minerales o gas vespeno.[2] Se mueven por medio de jets de salto, pero deben apagar cualquier otro sistema antes de moverse.[1]

También tiene la habilidad de fabricar VCE y servir como punto de retorno para vehículos de minería. Con placas de metal prensado,[3] los centros de mando están fuertemente blindados y son resistentes, aunque se mueven lentamente mientras vuelan, donde son más vulnerables.[4] Suelen ser la primera estructura terran que aterriza cuando se despliega un ejército.[5]

Nova SC-G Game2

Un centro de mando (post-Guerra de Especies)

Estructuralmente, el centro de mando es tan ancho como alto (3 pisos), fácilmente identificable desde la distancia a través de sus balizas intermitentes. Las enormes garras de aterrizaje del repulsor sostienen la mayor parte de la estructura con placas ablativas externas que refuerzan el casco principal. Torres de observación, antenas, cúpulas de sensores y otros dispositivos similares están situados encima del centro propiamente dicho. También se mantienen procesadores para procesar recursos, ocupando la mayor parte del espacio externo del centro de comando.[6]

CommandCenter SC-FM Art1

A command center after the Second Great War

Después de la Guerra de Especies, el diseño del centro de comando experimentó una expansión, incluidos complejos de bahía adicionales para transportar varios VCE mientras el centro de comando está en tránsito. Esto facilita la rápida explotación de campos minerales frescos o bolsas de vespeno, además de proporcionar un refugio útil para los VCE en caso de acción enemiga.[7] Estos nuevos centros de comando perdieron su interfaz extensible para conectarse con anexos, a favor de centros internos para mayor seguridad.[2] Además, el uso cada vez mayor de centros de mando en zonas de combate llevó al desarrollo de esquemas estándar para actualizarlos a una función militar específica.[7] un cambio con respecto a los estándares anteriores donde los centros de comando presentaban personal y defensas mínimos.[1] Two such military variants of the command center were the ATVX orbital command, designed for surveillance and asset management, and the Ares planetary fortress, designed for planetary warfare.[7]

Command centers of the Second Great War were equipped with Atlas boosters. The boosters could not lift the more massive planetary fortress.[8]

The Dominion Special Forces utilize command centers with reinforced repulsor landing claws, which allowed them to gain solid footing even in the harshest environments.[2]


CommandCenterMarine SC2-NCO Art1

A command center on Borea

Command centers were designed to be roving resource processors for Confederate prospectors.[4] At some point during the Great War or Brood War, a team of Korhal's finest engineers created a command center covered in gold; an "extra coat of paint befitting its nobility" as a structure of the Terran Dominion. Because of all the gold, the command center weighed several times as much as a normal command center, but its thrusters were upgraded to ensure its lift-off functions remained.[5]



In some commander centers, bunks and a holo are located inside for rest and recuperation.[9]

Command Bay[]

Marine SC2-NCO Cine1

Marines within the command bay

The command bay is the first point of call for anyone entering the command center.[6] Standard operating procedure is for security checks and armor removal to occur for those entering.[9]


The infirmary is located at one of the command center's lower levels. It is arguably the most well protected section of the command center, encased by the structure proper and set within its exact middle. However, command center infirmaries lack advanced equipment and only really function as a first-aid station, a place to keep an injured soldier alive long enough so that he/she can reach better facilities in time. Water is supplied via a basin and multiple bunks are present, which feature straps should a patient have to be restrained.[6]

Observation Deck[]

The observation deck is accessed via a lift. It includes a waiting area and the commander's office.[10]

Operations Room[]

The operations room is situated at the very top of a command center. A ring of transsteel windows surrounds the entire room, allowing an officer to look in all directions from the structure. The centerpiece is the command island however, a raised circular platform situated in the room's center. From here, command staff monitor activities of a base and the operations room itself. Various consoles are located below the island, specifically monitoring the aspects of a base. It is also from the operations room that general radio traffic can be monitored and answered.[6] Security codes are stored here.[9]

Reactor Core[]

The reactor core provides power to the command center via fusion. This leads to a warm floor and a steamy environment due to the heat generated. It is located in the dark, lower depths of the structure, accessible via service ladders. It has a main bay.[9]

SCV Maintenance Bay[]

The SCV maintenance bay is located above the command bay, squeezed between the processors. In truth, it is something of a misnomer, as fabricators can create SCVs from scratch.[6]

Game Structure[]


[[Categoría: unidades {{{raza}}} de StarCraft ]]

The command center is the most durable base building without upgrading and can lift off, allowing it to fly into better positions. A commonly used tactic is to construct a command center in a defended area, and then fly it to another resource node to begin another base. However, like all other terran buildings, the terran command center will literally burn to the ground when lower than about 35% HP. Another dangerous weakness is the fact that command centers are able to be infested by zerg queens, resulting in an infested command center which creates explosive infested terrans.A command center can build a ComSat station or nuclear silo add on. It can only use one at a time but can switch back and forth between them.[4]

In StarCraft: Remastered, a "Korhal command center" skin is available for those who pre-ordered the game.[11]


Plantilla:SC1Liftoff Plantilla:SC1ComsatStation Plantilla:SC1NuclearSilo


During development, the command center could originally have both the nuclear silo and ComSat station as add-ons at the same time.[12]

The command center has an unused selection sound.[13]

StarCraft II[]

[[Categoría: unidades {{{raza}}} de StarCraft ]]

In StarCraft II, the command center may garrison SCVs for the workers' transportation or protection. Three aft thrusters and four ventral thrusters power the structure in flight.



Plantilla:SC2Liftoff Plantilla:SC2LoadSCV





Wings of Liberty[]

Plantilla:WoLOrbitalCommand Plantilla:WoLReactorCommandCenter
Plantilla:SC2ScannerSweep Plantilla:SC2Mule
Plantilla:WoLPlanetaryFortress Plantilla:WoLFireSuppression

Co-op Missions[]

Jim Raynor, Rory Swann, Nova Terra, Mira Han and Matt Horner and Tychus Findlay use command center with primary structure. Jim Raynor can be transform it into orbital command wich can use Scanner Sweep and deploy MULE. Rory Swann can deploy Vespene Harvester into friendly vespene gas harvested building.

Alexei Stukov has access to a infested command center, from which he can create infested SCVs and overlords and unstoppable generate creep.

Arturus Mengsk has access to a specialized enlistment center, from which he can recruit both Dominion laborers and Dominion troopers.[15]

Raynor Upgrades and Abilities[]

Plantilla:CoopLiftOff Plantilla:CoopLoadSCV Plantilla:CoopOrbitalCommand Plantilla:CoopNeosteelFrame Plantilla:CoopStructureArmor

Swann Upgrades and Abilities[]

Plantilla:CoopLiftOff Plantilla:CoopLoadSCV Plantilla:CoopFireSupression Plantilla:ACSwannVespeneHarvester Plantilla:CoopStructureArmor

Nova Upgrades and Abilities[]

Plantilla:CoopLiftOff Plantilla:CoopLoadSCV Plantilla:CoopStructureArmor

Han and Horner Abilities[]

Plantilla:CoopLiftOff Plantilla:CoopLoadSCV

Tychus Abilities[]

Plantilla:CoopLiftOff Plantilla:CoopLoadSCV


Plantilla:VersusOpsAchieve - Ranked8 Plantilla:VersusOpsAchieve - Ranked22


La siguiente sección contiene información de una versión previa de StarCraft II que ya no es válida.

The command center was a solid month of work in StarCraft II. Design decisions constantly changed the landscape of the multiplayer art needs in the game, and when the dust settled, the revision was a monster task. Designing its planetary fortress and orbital command variants required even more planning.[16]

Heroes of the Storm[]


CommandCenter Heroes DevGame1

A command center in Heroes of the Storm

Command centers appeared in early builds of Heroes of the Storm.[17]


An orbital command is located in the Blizzard World map in Overwatch, as part of the Command Center Lift-Off attraction.


  • Enlistment center



  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 Grubb, Jeff (February 27, 2001). StarCraft: Liberty's Crusade. Simon & Schuster (Pocket Star). ISBN 978-0671-04148-9.
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. Collections Tab: Skins. October 17, 2016
  3. McNeill, Graham (December 30, 2008). StarCraft: I, Mengsk. Simon & Schuster (Pocket Star). ISBN 978-1-4165-5083-9.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 Underwood, Peter, Bill Roper, Chris Metzen and Jeffrey Vaughn. StarCraft (Manual). Irvine, Calif.: Blizzard Entertainment, 1998.
  5. 5,0 5,1 2017-08-03, Spotlight: Pre-Purchase Rewards. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2017-08-05
  6. 6,0 6,1 6,2 6,3 6,4 Hickman, Tracy (May 21, 2002). StarCraft: Speed of Darkness. Simon & Schuster (Pocket Star). ISBN 978-0671-04150-2.
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 Blizzard Entertainment staff. SC2 Command Center. Accessed on 2008-11-18.
  8. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Zerg research (in English). 2010.
  9. 9,0 9,1 9,2 9,3 Waugh, James. "Changeling." (November 18, 2009). Blizzard Entertainment. Changeling: A Short Story by James Waugh Accessed 2009-11-18.
  10. Dietz, William C. (April 6, 2010). StarCraft II: Heaven's Devils. Simon & Schuster (Gallery Books). ISBN 978-1416-55084-6.
  11. 2017-06-29, StarCraft: Remastered Arrives August 14. Blizzplanet, accessed on 2017-07-01
  12. Hidden Pics, Angelfire. Accessed on 2018-06-06
  13. Starcraft Building Sounds. YouTube
  14. 2015-03-31, StarCraft II Legacy of the Void Beta Release Patch Notes. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2015-04-03
  15. Blizzard Entertainment. Co-op Missions. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Arcturus Mengsk (in English). 2019.
  16. 2011, Terran Command Center. Deviantart, accessed on 2011-05-30
  17. 2014-05-21, Blizzard set out to make a StarCraft mod, and instead reinvented gaming's most popular genre. Polygon, accessed on 2014-05-22

Plantilla:Terran (StarCraft II)
