StarCraft Wiki
StarCraft Wiki
StarCraft Wiki
"Jeeze, calm down. It was just a fancy radio station."

- A Terran Dominion marine on the phasing out of the control tower(src)

Control towers are terran anciliary structures which coordinate the construction and upgrading of advanced vessels.[1] After the Great War, the fusion core and tech lab provided coordination functions for the starport, but the control tower remained an iconic and enduring symbol of terran aerospace supremacy.[1]

Game Structure[]


In StarCraft, the control tower is an add-on for the starport.

Researched Abilities[]

The Wraith can cloak. It can still attack while cloaked.

Hotkey C
Cost 25 (+1 per second) Energy
Purchased from Control tower
Hotkey C
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 100seconds

Researched Upgrades[]

  • Increases the Wraith's energy by 50.
  • Increases starting energy from 50 to 62.5.
Purchased from Control tower
Hotkey A
Cost 200 Minerals 200 Vespene gas 166seconds

StarCraft II[]

The control tower does not appear in StarCraft II; the starport can instead have a tech lab or reactor add-on.


Early versions of the StarCraft manual state that the Apollo Reactor and Cloak upgrades were to be researched at the physics lab, and instead the control tower would have a Burst Laser upgrade that would allow wraiths to attack ground. This has been changed for later releases of the manual.[1]



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Underwood, Peter, Bill Roper, Chris Metzen and Jeffrey Vaughn. StarCraft (Manual). Irvine, Calif.: Blizzard Entertainment, 1998.