The Danimoth took part in a mission to destroy a cerebrate captured by the Scavengers, alongside Mojo's Boys and the breakaway terran faction. The mission was a success.[2]
In the final mission of Enslavers all heroes (including the Danimoth) are expendable.[2]
Cloaking Field
The Arbitercloaks all nearby friendly units except for Arbiters. The cloak is disabled under Lockdown.
Arbiter: Recall
The Arbiter teleports a group of friendly units in a 5 x 5 area to its location. Note that burrowed zerg units are immune to this ability, but siege tanks in siege mode can be recalled.
The Arbiter can prevent units in a targeted area (3 x 3) from moving, attacking, or using special abilities. Trapped units may not be attacked or affected by special abilities.