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David Sum is a member of Blizzard Entertainment. In 2015, he was a game designer for StarCraft II.[1]

In 2016, he was a senior game designer, and lead commander design for Co-op Missions.[2]

As of July 2017, he is the lead designer for the mode.[3]


  1. 2015-06-11, BlizzCon 2014 – StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void Multiplayer Panel Transcript. Blizzplanet, accessed on 2015-06-23.
  2. 2016-11-05. BlizzCon 2016: Foundations for the Future. Youtube. Accessed 2016-11-05.
  3. 2017-07-25, Rock the Cabinet 2017 – Winners Announced. YouTube. accessed on 2017-08-05