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StarCraft Wiki

Emoticons are icons that can be used in the in game and launcher chat clients of StarCraft II that were added in Patch 3.3. Emoticons can be unlocked through the purchasing of expansions and downloadable content.

Automatically Unlocked[]

Icon Name Command
SC2Emoticon GG Good Game (gg)
SC2Emoticon GoodLuckHaveFun Good Luck Have Fun (glhf)
SC2Emoticon StarCraftII StarCraft II (sc2)
SC2Emoticon Thumbsup Thumbs Up (y) or (thumbsup)
SC2Emoticon Thumbsdown Thumbs Down (n) or (thumbsdown)
SC2Emoticon Toast Toast (toast)
SC2Emoticon Flex Flex (flex)
SC2Emoticon Poo Poo (poo)
SC2Emoticon Zerg Zerg Race (zerg)
SC2Emoticon Terran Terran Race (terran)
SC2Emoticon Protoss Protoss Race (protoss)
SC2Emoticon Random Random Race (random)
SC2Emoticon Happy Happy :) or (happy)
SC2Emoticon Sad Sad :( or (sad)
SC2Emoticon Angry Angry :@ or (angry)
SC2Emoticon Surprised Surprised :O or (surprised)
SC2Emoticon Wink Wink + Stick Out Tongue ;P or (silly)
SC2Emoticon Neutral Neutral :| or (speechless)
SC2Emoticon Love Love :] or (inlove)
SC2Emoticon Cool Cool B-} or (cool)
SC2Emoticon ROFL ROFL :D or (rofl)
SC2Emoticon Zipped Zipped :x or (zipped)
SC2Emoticon Infested Infested (infested)
Scared SC2LotvEmoticon Scared :S or (scared)
Sleepy SC2LotvEmoticon Sleepy |-] or (sleepy)
Thinking SC2LotvEmoticon Thinking :-? or (thinking)
Kissy SC2LotvEmoticon Kissy Face (kiss)
Nerd SC2LotvEmoticon Nerd 8-| or (nerd)
Devil SC2LotvEmoticon Devil (devil)
Rainbow SC2LotvEmoticon Rainbow (rainbow)
Hearts SC2LotvEmoticon Hearts <3 or (hearts)
Minerals SC2LotvEmoticon Blue Minerals (minerals)
Gminerals SC2LotvEmoticon Gold Minerals (gminerals)
Vespene SC2LotvEmoticon Vespene Gas (gas)
Party SC2LotvEmoticon Party (party)
Cake SC2LotvEmoticon Cake (cake)
CuteAlarak SC2LotvEmoticon Cute Alarak (cuteal)
CoffeeTime SC2LotvEmoticon Coffee Time (coffeetime)
GoldTrophy SC2LotvEmoticon Gold Trophy (goldtrophy)


The following emoticons are unlisted on the StarCraft II emoticon list, but are available to all players.

Icon Name Command
SC2Emoticon SecretWoof Mochi (woof)
SC2Emoticon SecretCactus Business (business)
SC2Emoticon SecretPizza Pizza (pizza)
Salty LotV Emoticon1 Salty (salty)
Stim LotV Emoticon1 Stim (stim) or (T)
SwarmQueen LotV Emoticon1 Swarm Queen (swarmqueen) or (qnbldes)
Mustache SC2LotvEmoticon Mustache (mustache)
PurpleRain SC2LotvEmoticon Purple Rain (purplerain)
Tuna SC2LotvEmoticon Tuna (tuna)
Uhaveapackage SC2LotvEmoticon You Have a Package (uhaveapackage)
Kitty SC2LotvEmoticon Kitty (meow) or (kitty)
Jtrain SC2LotvEmoticon jtrain (jtrain)
Jthursday SC2LotvEmoticon jthursday (jthursday)
AryaSC2LotvEmoticon Arya (arya)
Ahoot SC2LotvEmoticon Ahoot (ahoot)
GameHeart SC2LotvEmoticon Game Heart (gameheart)

Wings of Liberty[]

The following emoticons are available to players who have purchased StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty.

Icon Name Command
SC2Emoticon WoLSCV SCV (scv)
SC2Emoticon WoLHeart Terran Heart (theart)
SC2Emoticon SupplyDepot Supply Depot (depot)
SC2Emoticon WoLBunker Bunker (bunker)

Heart of the Swarm[]

The following emoticons are available to players who have purchased StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm.

Icon Name Command
SC2Emoticon HotSDrone Drone (drone)
SC2Emoticon HotSHeart Zerg Heart (zheart)
SC2Emoticon HotSOverlord Overlord (overlord)
SC2Emoticon HotSBaneling Baneling (baneling)

Legacy of the Void[]

The following emoticons are available to players who have purchased StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void.

Icon Name Command
SC2Emoticon LotVProbe Probe (probe)
SC2Emoticon LotVHeart Protoss Heart (pheart)
SC2Emoticon LotVPylon Pylon (pylon)
SC2Emoticon LotVPhotonCannon Photon Cannon (cannon)

Nova Covert Ops[]

The following emoticons are available to players who have purchased a mission pack of StarCraft II: Nova Covert Ops.

Icon Name Command
SC2Emoticon NOCSnipe Nova's Target (snipe)
SC2Emoticon NOCNuke Nova's Nuclear Blast (nuke)

Co-op Missions[]


The following emoticons are available to players who have purchased the Abathur commander in Co-op Missions.

Icon Name Command
SC2Emoticon AbathueSymbyote Abathur's Symbiote (symbiote)
SC2Emoticon AbathurLocust Abathur's Locust (locust)


The following emoticons are available to players who have purchased the Alarak commander in Co-op Missions.

Icon Name Command
Tal'darim SC2LotvEmoticon Tal'darim (taldarim)
Baneblade SC2LotvEmoticon Red Psi Blade (redpsi)
Nyon SC2LotvEmoticon Nyon Tal'darim (nyontal)


The following emoticons are available to players who have purchased the Nova commander in Co-op Missions.

Icon Name Command
Cloak SC2LotvEmoticon Cloak (cloak)
Ghost SC2LotvEmoticon Ghost (ghost)


The following emoticons are available to players who have purchased the Stukov commander in Co-op Missions.

Icon Name Command
Stukov SC2LotvEmoticon Stukov (stukov)
InfestedAdjutant SC2LotvEmoticon Infested Adjutant (infestedadj)


The following emoticons are available to players who have purchased the Fenix commander in Co-op Missions.

Icon Name Command
Purifier SC2LotvEmoticon Purifier (purifier)
Fenix SC2LotvEmoticon Fenix (fenix)


The following emoticons are available to players who have purchased the Dehaka commander in Co-op Missions.

Icon Name Command
Dehaka SC2LotvEmoticon Dehaka (dehaka)
DehakaClaw SC2LotvEmoticon Dehaka Claw (dinoclaw)

Han and Horner[]

The following emoticons are available to players who have purchased the Han and Horner commander in Co-op Missions.

Icon Name Command
Smooch SC2LotvEmoticon Smooch (smooch)
BrokenHeart SC2LotvEmoticon Broken Heart (brokenheart)


The following emoticons are available to players who have purchased the Tychus commander in Co-op Missions.

Icon Name Command
Reaper SC2LotvEmoticon Reaper (reaper)
Tychus SC2LotvEmoticon Tychus (tychus)


The following emoticons are available to players who have purchased the Zeratul commander in Co-op Missions.

Icon Name Command
Zeratul SC2LotvEmoticon Zeratul (zeratul)
Artifact SC2LotvEmoticon Artifact (artifact)


The following emoticons are available to players who have purchased the Stetmann commander in Co-op Missions.

Icon Name Command
CheeseHand SC2LotvEmoticon Cheese Hand (cheesehand)
GoodGary SC2LotvEmoticon Good Gary (goodgary)
BadGary SC2LotvEmoticon Bad Gary (badgary)


The following emoticons are available to players who have purchased the Mengsk commander in Co-op Missions.

Icon Name Command
Contaminated SC2LotvEmoticon Contaminated (contaminated)
Royal SC2LotvEmoticon Royal (royal)

Ascension Levels[]

Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
Ascension91 SC2LotvEmoticon Ascension 91 (a91) Ascension Level 91
Ascension100 SC2LotvEmoticon Ascension 100 (a100) Ascension Level 100
Shake SC2LotvEmoticon Shake (shake) Ascension Level 150
Ascension200 SC2LotvEmoticon Ascension 200 (a200) Ascension Level 200
OK SC2LotvEmoticon OK (ok) Ascension Level 250
Ascension300 SC2LotvEmoticon Ascension 300 (a300) Ascension Level 300
Pray SC2LotvEmoticon Pray (pray) Ascension Level 350
Ascension400 SC2LotvEmoticon Ascension 400 (a400) Ascension Level 400
Rock SC2LotvEmoticon Rocks (rocks) Ascension Level 450
Ascension500 SC2LotvEmoticon Ascension 500 (a500) Ascension Level 500
Ascension600 SC2LotvEmoticon Ascension 600 (a600) Ascension Level 600
Ascension700 SC2LotvEmoticon Ascension 700 (a700) Ascension Level 700
Blast SC2LotvEmoticon Blast (blast) Ascension Level 750
Missile SC2LotvEmoticon Missile (missile) Ascension Level 750
Ascension800 SC2LotvEmoticon Ascension 800 (a800) Ascension Level 800
Viper SC2LotvEmoticon Viper (viper) Ascension Level 850
Lick SC2LotvEmoticon Lick (lick) Ascension Level 850
Ascension900 SC2LotvEmoticon Ascension 900 (a900) Ascension Level 900
Void SC2LotvEmoticon Void (void) Ascension Level 950
Ray SC2LotvEmoticon Ray (ray) Ascension Level 950
Ascension1000 SC2LotvEmoticon Ascension 1000 (a1000) Ascension Level 1000

Carbot Fun Pack[]

Protoss Pack[]

Icon Name Command
CBCannon SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Cannon (cbcannon)
CBExecutor SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Executor (cbexecutor)
CBTemplar SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot High Templar (cbhigh)
CBOracle SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Oracle GG (cboracle)
CBProbeCheese SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Probe Cheese (cbcheese)
CBProbeGift SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Probe Gift (cbprobe)
CBPylon SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Pylon Too Cool (cbpylon)
CBSentryKR SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Sentry Korean LOL (cblolkr)
CBSentryUS SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Sentry Korean LOL (cblol)
CBSurrender SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot We Surrender (cbquit)
CBZealot SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Zealot Rage (cbrage)

Terran Pack[]

Icon Name Command
CBStarShock SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Star Shock (cbshock)
CBStarHappy SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Star Happy (cbhappy)
CBSCVGift SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot SCV Gift (cbscv)
CBReaper SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Reaper Bomber (cbreaper)
CBRaynor SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Raynor (cbraynor)
CBMULE SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Mule (cbmule)
CBMarine SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Marine (cbmarine)
CBMarineSalute SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Marine Captain Salute (cbsalute)
CBAdjutant SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Adjutant (cbadjutant)
CBWidowMine SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Widow Mine GG (cbwidow)

Zerg Pack[]

Icon Name Command
CBZergling SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Zergling (cbzergling)
CBOverseer SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Overseer (cboverseer)
CBOverlord SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Overlord Unimpressed (cbunimpressed)
CBMutalisk SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Mutalisk (cbmuta)
CBLarva SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Larva (cblarva)
CBInfestedTerran SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Infested Terran Laugh (cbinfestedlol)
CBHydralisk SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Hydralisk (cbhydra)
CBDrone SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Drone Gift (cbdrone)
CBInfestor SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Derpfestor (cbderp)
CBZerglingSleep SC2LotvEmoticon Carbot Zergling Sleep (cbsleep)

TotalBiscuit Commemorative Bundle[]

Icon Name Command
TBlul SC2LotvEmoticon lul (lul)
Axiom SC2LotvEmoticon Axiom (axiom)
TotalBiscuitHat SC2LotvEmoticon Top Hat (tophat)

War Chests[]

BlizzCon 2017[]

Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
FeelsGoodMarine SC2LotvEmoticon Feels Good Marine (good) Terran Tier 4
FistBump SC2LotvEmoticon Fist Bump (bump) Terran Tier 5
TerranTurtle SC2LotvEmoticon Terran Turtle (turtle) Terran Tier 9
Baited SC2LotvEmoticon Baited (baited) Terran Tier 10
Applause SC2LotvEmoticon Applause (applause) Terran Tier 10
Questionmark SC2LotvEmoticon. ??? (???) Terran Tier 15
QQ SC2LotvEmoticon QQ (qq) Terran Tier 15
Peace SC2LotvEmoticon Peace (peace) Terran Tier 15
Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
RIP SC2LotvEmoticon RIP (rip) Zerg Tier 4
StinkyTofu SC2LotvEmoticon Stinky, Stinky Tofu (stinky) Zerg Tier 5
Kappa SC2LotvEmoticon Keppa (keppa) Zerg Tier 9
TeaTime SC2LotvEmoticon Tea Time (tea) Zerg Tier 10
FingersCrossed SC2LotvEmoticon Fingers Crossed (crossed) Zerg Tier 10
Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
Gift SC2LotvEmoticon Gift (gift) Protoss Tier 4
Cheese SC2LotvEmoticon Cheese (cheese) Protoss Tier 5
Survivor SC2LotvEmoticon Survivor (survivor) Protoss Tier 9

Katowice 2018[]

Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
Lying SC2LotvEmoticon Lying (lying) Terran Tier 4
Sick SC2LotvEmoticon Sick (sick) Terran Tier 5
Explode SC2LotvEmoticon Explode (explode) Terran Tier 9
Joker SC2LotvEmoticon Joker (joker) Terran Tier 10
MULE SC2LotvEmoticon M.U.L.E. (mule) Terran Tier 10
Skull SC2LotvEmoticon Skull (skull) Terran Tier 15
Metal SC2LotvEmoticon Metal (metal) Terran Tier 15
SpaceCowboy SC2LotvEmoticon Space Cowboy (cowboy) Terran Tier 15
Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
Salute SC2LotvEmoticon Salute (salute) Zerg Tier 4
Drool SC2LotvEmoticon Drool (drool) Zerg Tier 5
Scream SC2LotvEmoticon Scream (scream) Zerg Tier 9
Creep SC2LotvEmoticon Creep (creep) Zerg Tier 10
FingersCrossed SC2LotvEmoticon Rush (rush) Zerg Tier 10
Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
Hear SC2LotvEmoticon Hear No Evil (nohear) Protoss Tier 4
Speak SC2LotvEmoticon Speak No Evil (nospeak) Protoss Tier 5
See SC2LotvEmoticon See No Evil (nosee) Protoss Tier 9

BlizzCon 2018[]

Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
Medivac SC2LotvEmoticon Medivac (medivac) Terran Tier 4
Dead SC2LotvEmoticon Dead (dead) Terran Tier 5
CantLook SC2LotvEmoticon Can't Look (cantlook) Terran Tier 9
PointRight SC2LotvEmoticon Point Right (pointright) Terran Tier 10
PointLeft SC2LotvEmoticon Point Left (pointleft) Terran Tier 10
Skeliton SC2LotvEmoticon Skeleton (skeleton) Terran Tier 15
Cheeseburger SC2LotvEmoticon Cheeseburger (cheeseburger) Terran Tier 15
Potato SC2LotvEmoticon Potato (potato) Terran Tier 15
Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
Dropperlord SC2LotvEmoticon Dropperlord (dropperlord) Zerg Tier 4
Pineapple SC2LotvEmoticon Pineapple (pineapple) Zerg Tier 5
BroodWarEgg SC2LotvEmoticon Brood War Egg (bwegg) Zerg Tier 9
BroodWarHydralisk SC2LotvEmoticon Brood War Hydralisk (bwhydralisk) Zerg Tier 10
BroodWarMutalisk SC2LotvEmoticon Brood War Mutalisk (bwmutalisk) Zerg Tier 10
Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
WarpPrism SC2LotvEmoticon Warp Prism (warpprism) Protoss Tier 4
WarpIn SC2LotvEmoticon Warp In (warpin) Protoss Tier 5
DoubleProxy SC2LotvEmoticon Double Proxy (doubleproxy) Protoss Tier 9

Katowice 2019[]

Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
CanisterRifle SC2LotvEmoticon Canister Rifle (canisterrifle) Terran Tier 4
Koi SC2LotvEmoticon Koi (koi) Terran Tier 5
Junkbot SC2LotvEmoticon Junkbot (junkbot) Terran Tier 9
Sombreo SC2LotvEmoticon Sombrero (sombrero) Terran Tier 10
GLTerran SC2LotvEmoticon Good Luck Terran (glterran) Terran Tier 15
HFTerran SC2LotvEmoticon Have Fun Terran (hfterran) Terran Tier 15
Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
Simulant SC2LotvEmoticon Simulant (simulant) Zerg Tier 4
Shark SC2LotvEmoticon Shark (shark) Zerg Tier 5
Scantipede SC2LotvEmoticon Scantipede (scantipede) Zerg Tier 9
Stovepipe SC2LotvEmoticon Stovepipe (stovepipe) Zerg Tier 10
GLZerg SC2LotvEmoticon Good Luck Zerg (glzerg) Zerg Tier 15
HFZerg SC2LotvEmoticon Have Fun Zerg (hfterran) Zerg Tier 15
Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
GoldenAge SC2LotvEmoticon Golden Age (goldenage) Protoss Tier 4
Tancho SC2LotvEmoticon Tancho (tancho) Protoss Tier 5
Urubu SC2LotvEmoticon Urubu (urubu) Protoss Tier 9
Bowler SC2LotvEmoticon Bowler (bowler) Protoss Tier 10
GLProtoss SC2LotvEmoticon Good Luck Protoss (glprotoss) Protoss Tier 15
HFTProtoss SC2LotvEmoticon Have Fun Protoss (hfterran) Protoss Tier 15

BlizzCon 2019[]

Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
ClassicTerran SC2LotvEmoticon Classic Terran (classicterran) Free Tier 2
NPC SC2LotvEmoticon NPC (npc) Free Tier 2
ClassicZerg SC2LotvEmoticon Classic Zerg (classiczerg) Free Tier 7
SlapRoof SC2LotvEmoticon Slap Roof (slaproof) Free Tier 7
ClassicProtoss SC2LotvEmoticon Classic Protoss (classicprotoss) Free Tier 12
Whatsthis SC2LotvEmoticon What's This? (whatsthis) Free Tier 12
Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
BrownCat SC2LotvEmoticon Brown Cat (browncat) Terran Tier 4
Thumbtack SC2LotvEmoticon thumbtack (thumbtack) Terran Tier 5
Drill SC2LotvEmoticon Drill (drill) Terran Tier 9
Shield SC2LotvEmoticon Shield (shield) Terran Tier 10
Sword SC2LotvEmoticon Sword (sword) Terran Tier 10
Pickaxe SC2LotvEmoticon Pickaxe (pickace) Terran Tier 15
Shovel SC2LotvEmoticon Shovel (shovel) Terran Tier 15
Saw SC2LotvEmoticon Saw (saw) Terran Tier 15
Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
CheeseMouse SC2LotvEmoticon Cheese Mouse (cheesemouse) Zerg Tier 4
Hammer SC2LotvEmoticon Hammer (hammer) Zerg Tier 5
Wrench SC2LotvEmoticon Wrench (scantipede) Zerg Tier 9
Pliers SC2LotvEmoticon Pliers (pliers) Zerg Tier 10
Vice SC2LotvEmoticon Vice (vice) Zerg Tier 10
Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
CookieRat SC2LotvEmoticon Cookie Rat (cookierat) Protoss Tier 4
Screwdriver SC2LotvEmoticon Screwdriver (screwdriver) Protoss Tier 5
Crowbar SC2LotvEmoticon Crowbar (crowbar) Protoss Tier 9

War Chest 6[]

Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
Pie SC2LotvEmoticon Pie (pie) Free Tier 1
Cookie SC2LotvEmoticon Cookie (cookie) Free Tier 1
Coffee SC2LotvEmoticon Coffee (coffee) Free Tier 6
Juice SC2LotvEmoticon Juice Box (juicebox) Free Tier 6
Donut SC2LotvEmoticon Donut (donut) Free Tier 11
Pancakes SC2LotvEmoticon Pancakes (pancakes) Free Tier 11
Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
Broccoli SC2LotvEmoticon Broccoli (broccoli) Terran Tier 4
Apple SC2LotvEmoticon Apple (apple) Terran Tier 5
Toasted SC2LotvEmoticon Toasted (toasted) Terran Tier 9
Steak SC2LotvEmoticon Steak (steak) Terran Tier 10
Cherries SC2LotvEmoticon Cherries (cherries) Terran Tier 15
Garlic SC2LotvEmoticon Garlic (garlic) Terran Tier 15
Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
Carrot SC2LotvEmoticon Carrot (carrot) Zerg Tier 4
Strawberry SC2LotvEmoticon Strawberry (strawberry) Zerg Tier 5
Croissant SC2LotvEmoticon Croissant (croissant) Zerg Tier 9
Lobster SC2LotvEmoticon Lobster (lobster) Zerg Tier 10
Lemon SC2LotvEmoticon Lemon (lemon) Zerg Tier 15
Pepper SC2LotvEmoticon Pepper (pepper) Zerg Tier 15
Icon Name Command Unlock Tier
Onion SC2LotvEmoticon Onion (onion) Protoss Tier 4
Banana SC2LotvEmoticon Banana (banana) Protoss Tier 5
Muffin SC2LotvEmoticon Muffin (cmuffin) Protoss Tier 9
Shrimp SC2LotvEmoticon Shrimp (shrimp) Protoss Tier 10
Grapes SC2LotvEmoticon Grapes (grapes) Protoss Tier 15
Mushroom SC2LotvEmoticon Mushroom (mushroom) Protoss Tier 15

Special Events[]

Icon Name Command Achievement
BobToss SC2LotvEmoticon Bob Toss (bobtoss) 20th Anniversary Twitch Viewer

Nation Wars V[]

The following emoticons are available to players who have purchased the Nation Wars V item bundle from O'gaming.

Icon Name Command
Ace SC2LotvEmoticon Nation Wars Ace (nwace)
AllKill SC2LotvEmoticon Nation Wars All Kill (nwallkill)
EZPZ SC2LotvEmoticon Nation Wars EZPZ (nwezpz)
WaLLez SC2LotvEmoticon Nation Wars WaLLez (nwwallez)

BlizzCon 2018[]

The following emoticons are available to players who watched 12 or more hours of the StarCraft II BlizzCon 2018 WCS Championship on

Icon Name Command
BongoProbe SC2LotvEmoticon Bongo Probe (bongo)
Mic SC2LotvEmoticon Mic (mic)
HopeUSee SC2LotvEmoticon hope u see this (seethis)
RainbowBarf SC2LotvEmoticon Rainbow Barf (rainbarf)

Swann: Machined Twitch Bundle[]

The following emoticons are available to players who claimed the Twitch Prime "Swann: Machined" bundle.

Icon Name Command
BabyRage SC2LotvEmoticon Baby Rage (babyrage)
BleedPurple SC2LotvEmoticon Bleed Purple (bleedpurple)
CmonBruh SC2LotvEmoticon Cmon Bruh (cmonbruh)
CoolCat SC2LotvEmoticon Cool Cat (coolcat)
FailFish SC2LotvEmoticon Fail Fish (failfish)
HeyGuys SC2LotvEmoticon Hey Guys (heyguys)
KappaTwitch SC2LotvEmoticon Kappa (kappa)
KappaRoss SC2LotvEmoticon Kappa Ross (kappaross)
OhMyDog SC2LotvEmoticon Oh My Dog (ohmydog)
StinkyCheese SC2LotvEmoticon Stinky Cheese (stinkycheese)
Illiumati SC2LotvEmoticon The Illuminati (theilluminati)
TheThing SC2LotvEmoticon The Thing (thething)
Unity SC2LotvEmoticon Unity (unity)
WutFace SC2LotvEmoticon Wut Face (wutface)


10-05-2016, Patch 3.3: Chat Emoticons. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2016-06-12
