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StarCraft Ghost Logo2
This article or section contains information about StarCraft: Ghost, which has been declared non-canon. Elements may be taken as 'flavor lore' however.
The content may be significantly out of date. Please do not add speculation to this article, and remember to cite a published source for details.
GaussRifle SC-G DevGame1

The gauss rifle

Gauss rifles are one of the primary weapons utilized by light infantry.[1]

The gauss rifle is considered more powerful than the assault rifle, due to a faster rate of fire and armor-piercing ammunition.[2]

Game Stats[]

The gauss rifle had no secondary fire mode.[2]


It appears to be named interchangeably with the submachine gun.[3]


  1. 2006-03-17. Light Infantry. Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed 2007-09-06.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Medievaldragon. 2009-01-28. Starcraft: Ghost - Weapons. Blizzplanet. Accessed 2009-11-16.
  3. BlizzCon 2005 StarCraft: Ghost information. Terran Infantry. Artist: Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed 2007-09-08.