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Glenn Stafford is a senior composer at Blizzard Entertainment.[1] He has composed music for the StarCraft and Warcraft universes.[2] His background and education lie in contemporary progressive rock.[3]


Stafford was initially hired by Blizzard on a one-week trial basis. He spent that first week stationed in Mike Morhaime's office, porting music and sound effects for the PC version of The Lost Vikings.[4] He later worked on the composition of the StarCraft OST.[5] Due to budget and time constraints, he and his team had to improvise in many areas.[4]

For StarCraft, Stafford provided the voices of the zergling[6], SCV, scout, wraith, carrier.[7] archon, dark archon, dragoon and reaver[8] along with most of the protoss and zerg sound effects.[4] He also did the voiceover in the UED Victory Report cinematic.[9]

Stafford returned to compose the music for StarCraft II,[10] as well as reprising his roles as the SCV and Wraith.[11] He also worked on amplifying the sound and music of StarCraft: Remastered.[3]

External Links[]


  1. Glenn Stafford, Twitter. Accessed on 2015-04-21.
  2. 2012-10-24, Blizzard on Social Media - Updated April 6. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2015-04-21.
  3. 3.0 3.1 2017-05-12, The Sounds of Koprulu. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2017-05-13.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 2017-04-27, Rock and Roll Days of StarCraft: a Development Retrospective. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2017-04-29.
  5. StarCraft (Soundtrack), Accessed on 2015-04-21.
  6. 2018-12-02, 20 YEARS OF STARCRAFT: AN IGN RETROSPECTIVE. IGN, accessed on 2018-12-03.
  7. Glenn Stafford. 2015-04-21 to 2015-05-09. Glenn Stafford, Behind the Voice Actors. Accessed on 2015-04-22.
  8. Bill Roper Email Correspondence. Gmail. Accessed 2024-08-22.
  9. BlizzArchive. 2013-02-15. Brood War - Director's Commentary - Terran. SC2pod. Accessed 2019-07-19.
  10. Browder, Dustin and Shadowie. 2009-05-01. Fan Site Q&A #3 - SC2Pod. SC2pod. Accessed 2009-05-01.
  11. Glenn Stafford Twitter. Twitter. Accessed 2015-05-24.