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Gohbus was a Terran Dominion-colonized planet.

Around 2500 a terraforming disaster inflicted severe damage on its crust, forcing the population to flee to a refugee camp on its moon. However, the planet seemed likely to explode, which would hurl the moon into space and kill everyone on it.

The Dominion sent ships to rescue the citizenry, but reports indicated there weren't nearly enough, causing panic.[1]

Sometime after 2500, Kath Toom and a Dominion ghost team were sent to the planet in pursuit of pirates. At that point vast lava rivers ran across the planet.[2]


  1. Benjamin, Paul and Dave Shramek (w), Sevilla, Hector (p, i). "War-Torn." In StarCraft: Frontline: Volume 3 (paperback binding), pp. 6-47. Tokyopop, July 14, 2009. ISBN 978-1427-80832-5.
  2. Kenyon, Nate. (September 27, 2011). StarCraft: Ghost: Spectres. Simon & Schuster (Pocket Star). ISBN 978-1439-10938-0.