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Heal, also known as Healing, is a terran ability used to heal friendly biological units.

The zerg have the natural ability to regenerate health over time, though the zerg have evolved their own abilities similar to heal, namely Transfusion and Rapid Transfusion, to rapidly regenerate health.


InterHeal Terran SC1

Medics use this ability to automatically heal friendly biological units in range.

Hotkey A
Cost 1 (per 2 hit points) Energy
Range 2

Heal counteracts the stimpack ability, so the use of medics allows the terrans to get the most from stimpacks for marines and even firebats.

All zerg units and structures have the ability to regenerate health over time, though heal does provide excellent support for the zerg.

StarCraft II[]


Healing SC2 Icon1

The medivac dropship heals a friendly biological unit nearby it.

Can be set to autocast. May only be cast on one unit as a time, and may not be stacked by multiple medivacs.

The ability does not "stack" with a roach's fast healing rate.[1]

Medivac dropships cannot heal units inside of them.

Hotkey E
Cost 1 (per 4 hit points healed) Energy
Range 4

In StarCraft II, heal can now be cast at range, increasing its effectiveness. As with the medic from StarCraft, the use of medivac dropships with marines and marauders allows the terrans to get the most from stimpacks.

Transfusion SC2 Icon1

The queen instantly restores 75 hit points to target biological unit or structure, plus an additional 50 health over the next 7.14 seconds. Can only be used while on creep.

Hotkey T
Cost 50 Energy
Cooldown 1 seconds

As with StarCraft, all zerg units and structures have the ability to regenerate health over time, though the queen possesses a similar ability to heal known as transfusion, and heal again provides excellent support for the zerg.

Wings of Liberty[]

Healing SC2 Icon1

The medic automatically (autocast) heals friendly biological units near it with a visible animation.

Hotkey E
Cost 1 (per 3 hit points healed), drain 3 per second Energy
Range 2

In the Wings of Liberty campaign, the medic returns and is an alternative to the medivac dropship.

Heart of the Swarm[]

Transfusion SC2 Icon1
Rapid Transfusion

The swarm queen instantly restores 25 hit points to target biological unit or structure over a short period of time. It may be autocast.

Hotkey T
Cost 10 Energy
Cooldown 3 seconds

In the Heart of the Swarm campaign, the swarm queen has a variant of transfusion known as rapid transfusion.

Co-op Missions[]

Healing SC2 Icon1
Infested Heal

The infested medic automatically (autocast) heals friendly biological units near it with a visible animation.

Hotkey E
Cost 1 (per 3 hit points healed) Energy
Range 2

In Co-op Missions, infested medics have a special ability named infested heal. It functions the same as the terran medic's heal ability.

Raynor can upgrade his medics to heal mechanical units.


  1. Karune. 2009-02-18. StarCraft II Q&A - Batch 49. StarCraft II General Discussion Forum. Accessed 2009-02-18.