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Incinerator gauntlets are a terran technology developed around the time of the Second Great War designed to augment the perdition flamethrowers and firestorm flamethrowers of firebats. These gauntlets channel the flamer's fuel through multiple ports rather than the single port of the older model, resulting in a much wider flame without any loss of intensity, allowing firebats to hold enemies at bay with a literal wall of fire.[1]

Game Unit[]

Wings of Liberty[]

The firebat's attack area increases by +40%.

The upgraded gauntlet channels the flamer's fuel through multiple ports rather than the single port of the previous generation, resulting in a much wider flame without any loss of intensity, allowing your firebats to hold enemies at bay with a literal wall of fire.

Incinerator Gauntlets were previously known as Bearclaw Nozzles.
Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Hyperion armory for $40,000

Co-op Missions[]

Incinerator gauntlets are available to the firebats of Raynor in Co-op Missions upon reaching level 4.

IncineratorGauntlets SC2-LotV Icon1
Incinerator Gauntlets

Increases firebats attack radius by 40%.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Raynor Level 4.
Purchased from Tech lab attached to barracks
Hotkey G
Cost 50 Minerals 50 TerranVespene SC2 Game1
Mastery: -1 Minerals -1 TerranVespene SC2 Game1 per Research Resource Cost mastery point. Down to a maximum 20 Minerals 20 Vespene gas
Effect Attack Length: 4.4
Attack Width: 1

Heroes of the Storm[]

Heroes DevLog2
The following section contains information from Heroes of the Storm and is not canon to StarCraft continuity

Incinerator Gauntlets appear as a talent for Blaze in Heroes of the Storm.[2]


Incinerator Gauntlets were previously known as Bearclaw Nozzles in the beta of Wings of Liberty.[3]


  1. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Armory upgrades (in English). 2010.
  2. Blizzard Entertainment. Heroes of the Storm (Blizzard Entertainment) (in English). June 2, 2015.
  3. 2010-02-28, StarCraft II Beta Game Images. StarCraft Legacy. Accessed on 2010-05-22.