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"My queen. New form, powerful. Can leap through air, strike foes. Heavy damage."

Leaping strike is an psionic power demonstrated by Sarah Kerrigan during the Second Great War after she was reborn as a primal zerg. Using this ability, Kerrigan leaps high into the air, coming down on a single target and tearing through them.[1]

Game Effect[]

Heart of the Swarm[]

Kerrigan leaps at target location or enemy. If targeted on an enemy, deals 150 damage to them. Can be used to bypass cliffs and pits.

Passive: Kerrigan's normal attacks do +10 damage and lose 3 range.

Hotkey Q
Cost 50 Energy
Range 6
Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Complete The Crucible.

Co-op Missions[]

In Co-op Missions, Kerrigan starts with the leaping strike ability, and gains the ruthlessness upgrade at level 3.

SC2 KerrLeapingStrike Icon
Leaping Strike

Kerrigan leaps to her target and deals 150 damage. Can be used without a target to travel quickly. Passive: Kerrigan gains +10 damage and -3 attack range.

Ruthlessness: Increases the Leaping Strike damage from 150 to 300 and its range from 6 to 12.

Folly of Man: Reduces the Leaping Strike damage from 150 (300 with Ruthlessness) to 75 (150 with Ruthlessness).

Desolate Queen: Replace the Leaping Strike ability by Kinetic Blast ability.

Hotkey Q
Cost 50 Energy
40 (with Ability Efficiency) Energy
Range 6
12 (with Ruthlessness)

Mastery: +3 (+1.5 with Folly of Man) ability damage per Primary Ability Damage and Attack Speed mastery point. Up to a maximum of 390 (195 with Folly of Man) ability damage

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
SC2 KerrLeapingStrike Icon

Increases the damage of Kerrigan's Leaping Strike by 150 to 300 and its cast range from 6 to 12. Increases the damage of Psionic Shift from 50 to 100.

Folly of Man: Increases the damage of Kerrigan's Leaping Strike by 75 to 150 and its cast range from 6 to 12. Increases the damage of Psionic Shift from 25 to 50.

Desolate Queen: Increases the damage of Kerrigan's Kinetic Blast by 150 to 300. Increases the damage of Crushing Grip from 25 to 50.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Kerrigan level 3.

Heroes of the Storm[]

Heroes DevLog2
The following section contains information from Heroes of the Storm and is not canon to StarCraft continuity

Kerrigan possesses an ability named ravage, which functions the same as leaping strike, in Heroes of the Storm.[2]


  1. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Kerrigan's abilities and status (in English). 2013.
  2. Blizzard Entertainment. Heroes of the Storm (Blizzard Entertainment) (in English). 2015-06-02.