The mecha zergling is a Mecha Swarm replication of the zergling created by Egon Stetmann to protect his sacred home of Bel'Shir.[1] They are capable of becoming attached to terrans, even licking them as a sign of affection.[2]
This article or section contains information derived from Co-op Missions, and should not be considered part of the official StarCraft storyline.
Stetmann deployed them during the End War against Amon. These zerglings can utilize egonergy to give themselves a hardened shield, protecting them from attacks, and to increase their attack speed via synthetic pumps. Mecha zerglings can be upgraded with wings to increase their movement speed.[3]
The mecha zergling is the basic unit for Egon Stetmann in Co-op Missions. They serve as traditional zerglings, and have similar upgrades to its speed and attack speed. The mecha zergling can use egonergy to power a hardened shield that lowers the damage of attacks done to the zergling to 10.
Mecha zerglings can be "recycled" when they die, which will respawn additional zerglings. At level 13, mecha zerglings provide double recyclable material.[3]
Hardened Egonergy Shield
Reduces incoming damage to a maximum of 10. Drains 5 Egonergy per use.
When a Mecha Zergling kill the enemy unit, it gains 10% increased attack speed and regenerates an additional 1 life per second for 30 seconds. Can stack up to 20 times.
Up to a maximum 20 HP regeneration and 0.23 (0.18 with Synthetic Adrenal Pumps) attack speed.