StarCraft Wiki
StarCraft Wiki
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The following section contains information from a silly source and is not canon.
Warcraft Log1
The following section contains information from the Warcraft series and is not canon.

Murloks are amphibian, humanoid fish-like alien species found on the obscure world of Azeroth. Next to nothing is known about them, except their home world and that they are cooperative with the tauren, or at least some of them.

Some taurens are seen with a murlok, sometimes holding weapons. It is unknown whether murloks are hired as mercenaries or as mascots.

Known Murloks


Note that this information is derived from an April Fool's joke by Blizzard Entertainment and other silly sources and as such, should not be taken as canon.

The murlok are taken directly from the race of murlocs (with a slight change in name) in StarCraft's counterpart universe of Warcraft.


StarCraft II: Tauren Marine. Accessed on 2008-01-04

  1. Frost. 2009-05-11. BlizzCon 2009 Exclusive Pet. World of Warcraft Community Site. Accessed 2009-05-12.
  2. Blizzard staff. 2009-05-31. Failoc-alpse. Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed 2009-05-31.