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"That’s me. I’m Oslo. I’m definitely hurt, but I’m not dead, so thank you for that much. Can I see a doctor now? I’m pretty sure I have a concussion."

- Oslo(src)

Oslo is a engineer of the Covert Ops Crew aboard the Griffin.


Oslo joined with Nova Terra and her Covert Ops Crew after they declared themselves independent from the Terran Dominion, serving onboard the Griffin as an engineer. When Agent Stone was working through the false memories implanted in him by the Defenders of Man during the Defenders of Man Insurgency, he ambushed Oslo, and asked him questions on the state of the Defenders and of Nova. Oslo answers had no deception, which shocked Stone.

When his thoughts revealed Stone's location, Stone knocked Oslo out, but Reigel announced the decks would be decompressed, and Stone took Oslo's unconscious body with him. When he arrived in the armory, he put Oslo in a spacesuit in order to keep him alive through the decompression, but no decompression came. Stone was confronted by Nova, who brought Oslo out to show he was alright, though Oslo requested to see a doctor as he thought he had a concussion. Theodore Pierce helped him get to the sickbay.[1]


  1. E.C. Myers. "Waking Dreams." (August 4, 2020). Blizzard Entertainment. Waking Dreams Accessed 2020-08-04.