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"New offensive ability: "Psionic shift." Dash quickly. Destroy creatures within path."

Psionic shift is an psionic power demonstrated by Sarah Kerrigan during the Second Great War after she was reborn as a primal zerg. Using this ability, Kerrigan psionically dashes through enemies, doing damage to all she collides with.[1]

Game Effect[]

Heart of the Swarm[]

Kerrigan dashes forward, dealing 50 damage to all enemies in her path.

Passive: Kerrigan's movement speed increases 30%.

Hotkey W
Cost 50 Energy
Range 6
Campaign Acquisition
Acquired from Complete The Crucible

Co-op Missions[]

In Co-op Missions, Sarah Kerrigan starts with the psionic shift ability.

SC2 KerrPsionicShift Icon
Psionic Shift

Kerrigan dashes through her enemies, dealing 50 damage to all enemies in her path.

Ruthlessness: Increases the Psionic Shift damage from 50 to 100.

Folly of Man: Reduces the Psionic Shift damage from 50 (100 with Ruthlessness) to 25 (50 with Ruthlessness).

Desolate Queen: Replaces the Psionic Shift ability by Crushing Grip ability.

Hotkey W
Cost 50 Energy
40 (with Ability Efficiency) Energy
Range 6

Mastery: +1 (+0.5 with Folly of Man) ability damage per Primary Ability Damage and Attack Speed mastery point. Up to a maximum 130 (80 with Folly of Man) ability damage

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.


  1. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Kerrigan's abilities and status (in English). 2013.