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Psionic Speed is the ability to channel psionic energy into the body, increasing the user's speed and reflexes.[1] Some ghosts,[2] such as Nova,[3] are able to use this ability, though they require a hostile environment suit to do so.[1]

With special training, zealots can dramatically increase their speed, to the point that they may briefly transform into energy. Zealots use this ability to quickly approach opponents, spending less time being exposed to ranged attacks.[4]

Centurions possess a similar ability named shadow charge, that allows them to cloak while charging and phase through enemies. This in tandem with their darkcoil abilities allows them to charge and stun enemy lines.[5]

Tassadar, Zeratul, and the Queen of Blades are/were able to use a similar ability in the midst of combat.[6] Alarak possesses a variation of this ability named Deadly Charge which releases a psionic burst of energy upon reaching his target, dealing heavy damage to it.[7]

Game Effect[]

StarCraft II[]

Charge SC2 Icon1

The zealot charges towards a target enemy unit or structure, boosting its speed to 8.47 for the duration. The zealot must have clear ground pathing to their target to reach it. Also increases the zealot's normal movement speed to 4.725

Hotkey C
Range 4
Duration 2.5 seconds
Cooldown 7 seconds
Purchased from Twilight council
Hotkey C
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 100seconds

Legacy of the Void[]

ShadowCharge SC2-LotV Icon1
Shadow Charge

Intercepts enemy ground units and increases movement speed. Briefly cloaks the centurion and allows it to move through other units. Can be set to autocast.

Hotkey C
Cooldown 10 seconds
DeadlyCharge SC2 Icon1
Deadly Charge

User dashes toward target enemy unit and deals 200 damage to it. Can be set to autocast.

Hotkey E
Cooldown 5 seconds

Co-op Missions[]

Charge is available for the zealot types of four of the protoss commanders in Co-op Missions.

Charge SC2 Icon1

Intercepts enemy ground units and increases movement speed by 3. Can be set to autocast.
Passive: Also increases the movement speed of Zealots from 2.75 to 3.

Hotkey C
Range 4
Duration 3.5 seconds
Cooldown 10 seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available
Purchased from Twilight council
Hotkey C
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds
ShadowCharge SC2-LotV Icon1
Shadow Charge

Intercepts enemy ground units and increases movement speed. Briefly cloaks the Centurion and allows it to move through other units. Can be set to autocast.

Passive: Increases the movement speed of Centurions from 2.75 to 3.

Hotkey C
Range Min:0.6
Duration 3.5 seconds
Cooldown 10 seconds

Move speed multiplier during the charge: 6.8

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Vorazun Level 4
Purchased from Twilight council
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds

Heroes of the Storm[]

Heroes DevLog2
The following section contains information from Heroes of the Storm and is not canon to StarCraft continuity

Artanis has a blade dash ability in Heroes of the Storm, using his psionic speed to dash forward. This ability can be augmented with the talent "zealot charge," a reference to the zealot's psionic speed ability.

Zeratul has a level 10 heroic ability call "shadow assault." When activated, he uses his psionic speed to charge forward and increase his attack speed.

Deadly charge is available as a level 10 heroic ability for Alarak in the game.[8]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Gamespy. Accessed on 2008-01-01
  2. SC2 Ghost. Accessed on 2008-01-01
  3. 2006-02-06. Psi Powers. Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed 2007-09-01.
  4. 2007-06-28. Zealot. Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed 2007-07-01.
  5. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. War council (in English). 2015.
  6. Rosenberg, Aaron (June 1, 2006). StarCraft: Queen of Blades. Simon & Schuster (Pocket Star). ISBN 0-7434-7133-4.
  7. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Templar's Return. (in English). November 10, 2015
  8. Blizzard Entertainment. Heroes of the Storm (Blizzard Entertainment) (in English). June 2, 2015