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Range is the potential maximum distance a projectile can be hurled by a ranged unit. It is measured in units of about zergling's size. The only unit featuring minimum range is the siege tank in Siege Mode, which has a minimum range of 2.


Long Range[]

Siege tank Siege Mode: 13; Thor air: 10; Viking Fighter Mode: 9; Missile turret with Hi-Sec Auto Tracking: 8
Tempest: 15; Interceptor: 14; Colossus with Extended Thermal Lances: 9; Carrier: 8
Brood lord: 9.5

Medium Range[]

Siege tank Tank Mode, Thor ground, auto-turret or planetary fortress with Hi-Sec Auto Tracking, missile turret no upgrade: 7; Marauder, Ghost, Viking Assault Mode, banshee, battlecruiser, planetary fortress or Auto-turret no upgrade: 6; Reaper buildings, marine, hellion: 5; Widow mine: 5
Photon cannon, Mothership: 7; Stalker, immortal, colossus no upgrade, void ray, phoenix with Anion Pulse-Crystals: 6; Sentry: 5; Mothership core: 5
Queen air, spine crawler, spore crawler: 7; Hydralisk with Grooved Spines, corruptor: 6; Hydralisk no upgrade, queen ground, infested terran: 5

Short Range[]

Reaper ground: 4.5; Hellbat 2
Phoenix no upgrade: 4; Oracle: 4; Archon: 3
Roach: 4; Mutalisk: 3; Locust: 3

Melee Range[]

SCV: 0.1
Probe, zealot, dark templar: 0.1
Ultralisk: 1; Baneling: 0.25; Drone, zergling, broodling: 0.1


Unlimited Range[]

These spells can be cast anywhere on the map.

Scanner Sweep, Tactical Jump
Mass Recall

Vision Range[]

These abilities can be used anywhere a player has vision.

Calldown: MULE
Summon Nydus worm

Long Range[]

Radar]: 30; Nuke: 12; Yamato Cannon, EMP Round, Sniper Round: 10; [Point Defense Laser with Hi-Sec Auto Tracking: 9; Point Defense Laser no upgrade: 8
Force Field, Feedback, Psionic Storm, Vortex: 9; Blink: 8
Disguise: 12; Spawn Creep Tumor from existing creep tumor: 10; Infested Terran (summon): 9; Blinding Cloud: 9; Abduct: 9; Fungal Growth: 8

Medium Range[]

250mm Strike Cannons: 7; Seeker Missile: 6
Neural Parasite, Transfusion: 7; Consume: 7; Corruption: 6

Short Range[]

[Heal: 4; Point Defense Drone (build): 3; Auto-Turret (build): 2
Charge, Graviton Beam: 4
Contaminate: 3; Explode: 2.2; Spawn Larva, Spawn Creep Tumor from Queen: 1 Spawn Changeling]: 0;

Units by Range[]

Unit Name Special Attribute(s) Race Range Against Ground Range Against Air Range of Special
Zergling Zerg 0.1
Drone Zerg 0.1
Queen Transfusion Zerg 5 7 7 (both)
Queen Spawn Larva Zerg 1 (ground)
Queen Spawn Creep Tumor Zerg 1 (ground)
Creep tumor Spawn Creep Tumor Zerg 10 (ground)
Baneling Explode, splash damage Zerg 0.25 2.2 (ground)
Roach Zerg 4
Hydralisk Grooved Spines Zerg 5 (+1) 5 (+1) 6 (both)
Infestor Neural Parasite Zerg 7 (14) (both)
Infestor Fungal Growth Zerg 8 (both)
Infestor Infested Terran (spawn) Zerg 9 (ground)
Infested terran Spawned Zerg 5 5
Swarm host Spawn Locust Zerg 3
Ultralisk Splash damage Zerg 1
Brood lord Swarm Seeds Zerg 9.5 9.5 (ground)
Broodling Spawned Zerg 0.1
Mutalisk Zerg 3 3
Corruptor Corruption] Zerg 6 6 (both)
Viper Blinding Cloud, Abduct Zerg 9 (both)
Spine crawler Zerg 7
Spore crawler Zerg 7
Overseer Contaminate Zerg 3 (ground)
Overseer Spawn Changeling Zerg 0 (ground)
Changeling [Disguise, spawned Zerg 12 (both)
Probe Protoss 0.1
Mothership core Protoss 5
Zealot Charge Protoss 0.1 4 (ground)
Stalker Blink Protoss 6 6 8 (ground)
Sentry Force Field Protoss 5 5 9 (ground)
High templar Feedback, Psionic Storm Protoss 9 (both spells, both)
Dark templar Protoss 0.1
Immortal Protoss 6
Colossus Extended Thermal Lance Protoss 6 (+3) 9 (ground)
Phoenix Graviton Beam, Anion Pulse-Crystals Protoss 4 (+2) 4 (ground), 6 (air)
Void ray Prismatic Beams Protoss 6 (2) 6 (2) 6 (2) (both)
Carrier Interceptor Protoss 8 (14) (both)
Interceptor Spawned Protoss 8 (2) 8 (2)
Oracle Pulsar beam Protoss 4
Tempest Protoss 15 15
Mothership Vortex Protoss 7 7 9 (both)
Photon cannon Protoss 7 7
SCV Terran 0.1
Marine Terran 5 5
Marauder Terran 6
Reaper D-8 Charges (buildings) Terran 4.5 5 (ground)
Ghost Snipe, EMP Round] Terran 6 6 10 (both spells, both)
Ghost Tactical Nuke, splash damage Terran 12 (both)
Hellion Splash damage Terran 5
Hellbat Splash damage Terran 2
Widow mine Splash damage Terran 5
Siege tank Siege Mode, splash damage Terran 7 13 (ground)
Thor 250mm Strike Cannons Terran 7 10 7 (ground)
Auto-turret Hi-Sec Auto Tracking], spawned Terran 6 (+1) 6 (+1) 7 (both)
Viking Terran 6 9
Medivac Heal Terran 4 4 (ground)
Raven Seeker Missile, splash damage Terran 6 (both)
Raven Build Auto-Turret Terran 3 (ground)
Raven Build Point Defense Drone Terran 3 (air)
Banshee Terran 6
Battlecruiser Yamato Cannon Terran 6 6 10 (both)
Point Defense Drone Hi-Sec Auto Tracking, spawned Terran 8 (+1) 8 (+1) 9 (both)
Planetary fortress Hi-Sec Auto Tracking Terran 6 (+1) 7 (ground)
Missile turret Hi-Sec Auto Tracking Terran 7 (+1) 8 (air)