StarCraft Wiki
StarCraft Wiki
The following section contains information from a previous version of StarCraft II which is no longer valid.

StarCraft II beta keys were a code which enables gamers to participate in the StarCraft II beta.

A code was provided to each attendant of BlizzCon 2008.[1][2] This code was not a beta key in itself, but guaranteed the holder would receive a StarCraft II beta key by email if they registered it at[3]

A code was provided to attendants of WWI 2008 as well. If the code was not used previously, it can be used to access the European phase of the StarCraft II beta.[4]

Blizzard traditionally offers 40,000 beta keys, but expectations for StarCraft II were higher.[5]

When StarCraft II's beta starts, beta key holders were able to enter their keys using their new accounts.[6]

On March 18th, 2010, beta testers were given an additional key so they could invite a friend into the beta.[7]


One such opportunity could be found in the Vespene Laughs contest.[8] Another was the theme park contest.[9] One was the 2009 Frozen Throne contest, in which the top 20 players won beta keys.[10]

Blizzard Entertainment offered 500 beta keys through twitter.[11][12]

DreamHack contestants who won the "HotStreak" contest got beta keys.[13] The HotStreak contest consisted of 1 vs 1 matches. People who won three games in a row got prizes.[14]

Fansite Opportunities[]

The StarCraft II beta was accessible through fansite opportunities in 2009.[15]


  1. BlizzCon 2008: Day One Wrap-Up. Blizzard Entertainment. Accessed 2008-10-17.
  2. Nick Breckon. 2009-02-11. StarCraft 2 Beta Coming In Months, Will Include Next-generation Shacknews. Accessed 2009-02-12.
  3. Karune. 2009-03-23. How to use your BlizzCon 2008 Keys for SCII. StarCraft II General Discussion Forum. Accessed 2009-03-23.
  4. Xordiah. 2009-05-06. StarCraft II Beta Test Opt-in (first post). StarCraft II General Discussion Forum. Accessed 2009-05-06.
  5. Chris Sigaty, Eric. 2008-10-23. StarCraft 2 EURO Press Conference. StarCraft Zine. Accessed 2009-02-08.
  6. Karune. 2009-03-20. BLUE question. StarCraft II General Discussion Forum. Accessed 2009-03-20.
  7. Webnet. 2010-03-18. Starcraft 2 Beta: Invite a friend. StarCraft Source. Accessed 2010-03-18.
  8. Please note that there is no official announcement of a StarCraft II Beta start date. Karune. 2009-01-21. Beta Keys to be added to Contests. StarCraft II General Discussion Forum. Accessed 2009-01-21.
  9. Karune. 2009-02-24. Win Beta Keys - Blizzard Theme Park Contest. StarCraft II General Discussion Forum. Accessed 2009-02-24.
  10. Blizzard staff. Warcraft III 2009 Tournament FAQ. Accessed 2009-03-07.
  11. Karune. 2009-08-14. Follow StarCraft on Twitter - 500 Beta Keys. StarCraft II General Discussion Forum. Accessed 2010-01-31.
  12. CoTweet. 2009-08-14. RT @StarCraft 500 SC2 beta keys going to our biggest #SC2fan Insert what makes you our biggest fan! -pics OK] Rules: Twitter (StarCraft) Accessed 2010-01-31.
  13. CoTweet. 2009-11-27. First hot streak winners awarded beta keys and other prizes. Don't miss your chance to win one at DreamHack! #StarCraft (Twitter). Accessed 2009-11-27.
  14. The HotStreak contest is pretty much a quick free tournament.

    The player will be matched up in a 1v1 match against other people who signed up for the HotStreak and he has to win 3 games in a row in order to be a winner and get some cool prizes!
    Zhydaris. 2009-11-27. DreamHack hotstreak contest?. StarCraft II General Discussion Forum. Accessed 2009-11-28.
  15. Karune. 2009-03-17. StarCraft II Beta Key Opportunities. StarCraft II General Discussion Forum. Accessed 2009-03-17.