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The old way[]

The nydus network produces nydus worms.[1] They must appear on the creep.[1]

Units can enter the network through a nydus worm.[2][3][4][5] Units emerge in the same order they entered.[6]

The player can summon multiple nydus worms from a single network.[1] The network doesn't have to be the first entrance.[2] As long as the nydus network exists, units cannot be "lost" within the network if the stationary worms are killed.[5]

Storing info here, since it keeps going back and forth. PSH aka Kimera 757 (talk) 19:12, 26 July 2009 (UTC)


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 You need the Lair to build Nydus Network.
    You can mutate your drone into Nydus Network with 150 Mineral and 200 Vespene Gas.
    From your Nydus Network, you can summon multiple Nydus Worms at any place on the creep and each Nydus Worm cost 100 Mineral and 10 seconds build time.
    Units can enter a Nydus Worm or Nydus Network and exit through any other Nydus Worm or Nydus Network.
    Cydra. 2009-03-02. Questions about Nydus mechanics. StarCraft II General Discussion Forum. Accessed 2009-03-02.
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Is Nydus Warren first entrance to tunnels?"
    "Or are 2 Nydus Worms needed (each one as entrance and exit)?"

    "Yes, the Nydus Warren acts as an entrance as well. Though it does not always have to be the 'first' entrance. You can send your units into a Nydus Worm entrance and then exit from any other Nydus Worm or the Nydus Warren."

    "For those who don't know, the Nydus Warren is the prerequisite building to build Nydus Worms."
    Karune, Beetlelisk. 2008-06-04. Karune Answers 8 Questions on Another Site. StarCraft II General Discussion Forum. Accessed 2008-06-04.
  3. Onyett, Charles. 2008-03-10. StarCraft II Zerg Unit List: All the monsters in the game so far. IGN. Accessed 2008-03-11.
  4. Onyett, Charles. 2008-03-10. Zerg Structure List. IGN. Accessed on 2008-11-03.
  5. 5.0 5.1 Karune. 2008-06-11. StarCraft II Q&A - Batch 40. StarCraft II General Discussion Forum. Accessed 2008-06-11.
  6. 1. No, Overseer does not have Nydus Worm spawning ability any more.
    2. You can build Creep Tumor from the Queen only on the creep to expand it.
    3. It just looks like other Zerg buildings while it is being summoned and the worm bursts out of the creep when the summoning is done. Hard to describe the animation of the popping up;;
    4. Yes, units are coming out of the Nydus Worm/Nydus Network one-by-one and they come out in the same order they entered in.
    Cydra. 2009-03-2. Questions about Nydus mechanics (third post). StarCraft II General Discussion Forum. Accessed 2009-03-02.


Sorry, but as a gamer noob I do not know what UI means. Assuming I'm not the only one, maybe we should edit UI into more garden-variety english, or at least provide a link to it. Brainwasher5 16:14, September 30, 2010 (UTC)

UI stands for User Interface and that isn't a bad idea. Zeta1127 of the 89th Legion (talk) 18:27, September 30, 2010 (UTC)