I'm reluctant to edit this as I'm no millitary expert and don't intend on changing this anytime soon. However, I feel too much assumption is being made in some aspects such as the pay grades. While true for present times, we're talking about a structure that not only exists years in the future but was rebuilt from scratch. As such, I think most, if not all of it should be reserved for in-universe information and 'errors' should rarely be treated as such as it's foolish to use 21st century norms to judge those of the future.--Hawki 12:06, October 30, 2009 (UTC)
Tweaked. Please note that there's plenty of proof that the old ranks are in the same order (eg colonel over major, over captain, over lieutenant, etc) but there isn't necessarily 10 pay grades. I also changed "errors" to "differences from old Army/Navy". PSH aka Kimera 757 (talk) 20:43, October 30, 2009 (UTC)