StarCraft Wiki
StarCraft Wiki

Purifier AI[]

So I've been separating the Purifer version of the new Talandar heroes from their flesh and blood counterparts, but Warbringer is left kind of ambiguous. The direct quote on him is:

"He is the AI of a hero reaver that appeared in those missions."

I kind of interpret that as he was the reaver's AI transferred into a colossus body, but given the rest are also AI it could be up for interpretation. Full clip here:

What do you all think? Same AI or should we separate them to be safe? --Subsourian (talk) 21:20, April 24, 2017 (UTC)

Out of the two options available to us, I do feel bio-wise, he should have the same page in this case. Now, technically, it could be an AI copy of an AI, but taking the quote as writ, treating them as the same individual appears to be more accurate.--Hawki (talk) 22:50, April 24, 2017 (UTC)
Though on a similar subject, I've noticed that with individuals like Talis, it claims that the copy was made after their death - was this confirmed in the stream? I'd have thought it was more likely that the template was made before their deaths, and really could have been made at any point prior to the End War.--Hawki (talk) 22:54, April 24, 2017 (UTC)
Na that was me not thinking of that. I'll make it a bit more ambiguous as to when she was copied. --Subsourian (talk) 23:16, April 24, 2017 (UTC)

Ok, according to the new video that jus came out Warbringer is "based on" the AI programming of a reaver. Since that's a more official medium then a twitch stream, I'll go with that. --Subsourian (talk) 17:19, April 25, 2017 (UTC)