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TemplarArchives SC2 Rend2

The templar archives

The templar archives are dark, mysterious buildings that serve as training centers for the legions of both the high templar and, during the Brood War, the Dark Templar.


The high templar, charged with wielding the psionic powers of their race, used the archives to access memories and strands of experience from the Khala[1] and thereby gain knowledge inaccessible to ordinary warriors.[2]

With the corruption of the Khala during the End War, the archives fell silent, the memories of the Khalai's ancestors lost to them.[3]

Tal'darim utilize a variant of the templar archives in order for high ranking ascendants to relive their most heroic deeds. The Ihan-rii meanwhile use a variant of the templar archives that hold their race's closely guarded secrets, including the process to produce their semi-organic animated stone.[4]

Game Structure[]


In StarCraft, the archives enable the production of high templar and researches their more advanced psychic abilities.[2] In StarCraft: Brood War, the archives also allow the production of dark templar from the gateway and researches dark archon abilities and upgrades.

Researched Abilities[]

The high templar selects a unit, creating two duplicates of it. Hallucinations appear with a blue tint to the creating and controlling player, while all other players will see them as duplicates of the original. Hallucinations do not inflict damage when they "attack", may not cast spells, or produce units (important for hallucinated carriers and reavers), and take double damage from all attacks. Hallucinations last for a limited time and automatically disappear when hit by spells (eg. EMP shockwave, Mind Control).

Hotkey L
Cost 100 Energy
Range 7
Duration 180 seconds seconds
Purchased from Templar archives
Hotkey H
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 80seconds

The high templar can create a storm of raw psychic energy. This is achieved by one closing their mind to the outside world, sending out psychic "ripples" that are disruptive to other lifeforms.

Inflicts total 112 damage to all units within a target area over 3 seconds (14 damage in 8-frames intervals, starting from the 16th frame after cast, resulting in 8 damage instances over 64 frames).

The storm does not harm structures or units within bunkers. Psionic storm ignores armor and armor types.

It does not prevent units from moving into or out of the affected area. Only one storm may affect an area at a time; overlapping storms does not increase damage output.

Hotkey P
Cost 75 Energy
Range 9
Duration 3 seconds seconds
Purchased from Templar archives
Hotkey T
Cost 200 Minerals 200 Vespene gas 120seconds

Prevents all biological units (friendly included) within a 4 x 4 area from attacking, moving, or casting spells for short period of time.[5] Stunned cloaked units will be revealed. Burrowed units will not be revealed or stunned.

Hotkey E
Cost 100 Energy
Range 10
Purchased from Templar archives
Hotkey E
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 100seconds

Transfers control of any enemy unit to the casting player. Using Mind Control will drain the dark archon's shields and leave it vulnerable.[5]

Mind controlling a transport will also transfer control of any units the transport is carrying, and mind controlling a unit that has researched upgrades or special abilities will transfer them to the dark archon's player.

The transfer is permanent and irreversible, even after the death or the transfer of control of the dark archon who performed it. Any unit can be subject to multiple Mind Control spells, effectively changing ownership every time.

Hotkey C
Cost 150 Energy All Shields
Range 8
Purchased from Templar archives
Hotkey E
Cost 200 Minerals 200 Vespene gas 120seconds

Researched Upgrades[]

ArgusTalisman SC1 Upgrd1
Argus Talisman
Purchased from Templar archives
Hotkey T
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 166seconds
KhayAmulet Icon SC1
Khaydarin Amulet
  • Increases high templar maximum energy by 50.
  • Increases high templar starting energy from 50 to 62.
Purchased from Templar archives
Hotkey K
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 166seconds

Building Upgrades[]

  • +1 armor bonus to shields per level for all units and structures.
Purchased from Forge
Hotkey S
Level 1
Cost 200 Minerals 200 Vespene gas 267seconds
Level 2
Cost 300 Minerals 300 Vespene gas 300seconds
Required Cybernetics core
Level 3
Cost 400 Minerals 400 Vespene gas 333seconds
Required Cybernetics core

StarCraft II[]

The templar archives in StarCraft II is a requirement for producing high templar in addition to providing upgrades such as psionic storm. It no longer provides the ability to summon dark templar; this has been moved to the dark shrine.

Researched Abilities[]

Psionic Storm deals 80 damage in the target area in small packets over 2.85 seconds, and hits both air and ground units. It injures friendly units caught in the area of effect of 1.5.[6]
Psionic storm is smartcast.
Psionic Storm is subject to a short delay before striking; during this brief period there is a visual indicator for where it will strike.

Cost 75 Energy
Range 9
Duration 2.85 seconds
Cooldown 1.43 seconds
Purchased from Templar archives
Hotkey T
Cost 200 Minerals 200 Vespene gas 79seconds

Building Upgrades[]

  • +1 armor to shields per level.
Purchased from Forge
Hotkey S
Level 1
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 121.6seconds
Level 2
Cost 200 Minerals 200 Vespene gas 144.6seconds
Required Twilight council
Level 3
Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 167.9seconds
Required Twilight council

Legacy of the Void[]

The templar archive is available to be built in the Legacy of the Void campaign, allowing for the production of high templar dark archons and ascendants.[7]

Co-op Missions[]

The templar archives is available to Artanis and Alarak, though the latter's is named "ascendant archives" and has a different skin. Artanis's archives allows the training of, and houses upgrades for, high templar, while Alarak's does the same for his ascendants.

Artanis Upgrades[]

Psionic Storm deals 80 damage to enemy units in the target area over a short time. Friendly units are not damaged.

Valorous Inspirator: Increases the Psionic Storm damage from 80 to 160.

Cost 75 Energy
Duration 4 seconds
Cooldown 2 seconds
Purchased from Templar archives
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds
PlasmaSurge SC2-LotV Icon1
Plasma Surge

Increases Psionic Storm's radius by 50% and range by 2, allows it to stack more than once on the same enemy units, and restores 50 shields to friendly units in its radius for 4 seconds.

Valorous Inspirator: Increases the Psionic Storm shield restoration from 50 to 100.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Artanis Level 6.
Purchased from Templar archives
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 90seconds
Required Research Psionic Storm
KhaydarinAmulet SC2 Game1
Khaydarin Amulet

Increases the starting energy of high templar and archons by 150.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Artanis Level 6.
Purchased from Templar archives
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds
SC2 ProShields
Protoss Plasma Shields

Increases the shield armor of all protoss units and structures.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Forge
Hotkey A
Level 1
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 160seconds
Effect Shield armor: 1
Level 2
Cost 175 Minerals 175 Vespene gas 190seconds
Required Twilight council
Effect Shield armor: 2
Level 3
Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 220seconds
Required Twilight council
Effect Shield armor: 3
Alarak Upgrades (Ascendent Archives)[]
MindBlast SC2-LotV Icon1
Mind Blast

Deals 200 damage to target enemy unit.

Power Overwhelming: +50 damage per Sacrifice. Up to a maximum 700

Hotkey F
Cost 100 Energy
Range 13
Cooldown 8 seconds
Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Alarak Level 8
Purchased from Ascendant archives
Hotkey D
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds
SC2 Alarak AC - ChaoticAtunement
Chaotic Atunement

Increases range of Psionic Orb by 25%

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Alarak Level 12
Purchased from Ascendant archives
Hotkey K
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds
SC2 Alarak AC - PowerOverwhelming
Power Overwhelming

The ascendant permanently gains +100 max shields and +25% ability damage each time it uses Sacrifice. Stacks up to ten times.

The ascendant's appearance changes slightly each time, but an icon appears when the ascendant is selected.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Reach Alarak Level 12
Purchased from Ascendant archives
Hotkey H
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 60seconds
SC2 ProShields
Protoss Plasma Shields

Increases the shield armor of all protoss units and structures.

Campaign Acquisition
Unlock Initially available.
Purchased from Forge
Hotkey A
Level 1
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 160seconds
Effect Shield armor: 1
Level 2
Cost 175 Minerals 175 Vespene gas 190seconds
Required Death council
Effect Shield armor: 2
Level 3
Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 220seconds
Required Death council
Effect Shield armor: 3


The following section contains information from a previous version of StarCraft II which is no longer valid.

The Khaydarin Crystal Amulet upgrade was removed as of patch 1.3.

KhaydarinAmulet SC2 Game1
Khaydarin Amulet
Purchased from Templar archives
Hotkey K
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 110seconds
TemplarArchives SC2 DevRend1

Development render

The templar archives didn't change very dramatically during the development of StarCraft II. Aside from some texture polish, it shipped in the final game unaltered.[8]





  1. Karune. 2007-01-22. StarCraft II Q&A - Batch 26. StarCraft II General Discussion Forum. Accessed 2008-01-22.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Underwood, Peter, Bill Roper, Chris Metzen and Jeffrey Vaughn. StarCraft (Manual). Irvine, Calif.: Blizzard Entertainment, 1998.
  3. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. High templar unit quote (in English). 2015-11-10.
  4. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. Collections Tab: Skins. October 17, 2016
  5. 5.0 5.1 Underwood, Peter, Chris Metzen and Bill Roper. StarCraft: Brood War (Manual). Irvine, Calif.: Blizzard Entertainment, 1998.
  6. Nethaera. 2010-03-30. Patch Notes - Beta Patch 7. StarCraft II General Beta Forum. Accessed 2010-03-25.
  7. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard) (in English). November 10, 2015
  8. 2011, SC2: Protoss Templar Archives. Deviantart, accessed on 2011-03-19