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Colonel Tom Kazansky was "the best Wraith pilot in the Terran Dominion," according to Emperor Arcturus Mengsk.[1]


According to Arcturus Mengsk, Tom Kazansky is the best wraith pilot in the Terran Dominion fleet.

Along with science vessel commander Magellan, they were assigned to Alpha Squadron under the leadership of a commander in the operation to neutralize Alan Schezar and his scavengers who managed to control a cerebrate and its brood.

During the briefing, Protoss Praetor Mojo was able to contact him telepathically from a stasis cell. Mojo advised rescuing several protoss that Schezar had imprisoned in the vicinity of the cerebrate. He also advised against killing the cerebrate, as this would cause the zerg to go out of control and overwhelm both forces.

Despite Mengsk's decision to ignore the request, the commander with the help of Kazansky and Magellan rescued the Protoss.[1] They later traveled to Aiur, seeking to rescue Mojo and his allies from the scavengers, in which they were successful.[2]

Kazansky was last seen attacking the Schezar's Scavengers base on Aiur, seeking to destroy its enslaved cerebrate and Torrasque. His forces were successful.[3]

Game Unit[]

Tom Kazansky is a wraith hero in StarCraft: Enslavers.

Kazansky has twice the attack power of a normal wraith, and much more HP and has four armor, which wraiths do not have if they are not upgraded, even surpassing them if they are fully upgraded. Has all the abilities of wraith.

Tom Kazansky's unit reuses Wraith's model, quotes, and portrait.


The Wraith can cloak. It can still attack while cloaked.

Hotkey C
Cost 25 (+1 per second) Energy
Purchased from Control tower
Hotkey C
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 100seconds


  • +1 bonus to attack per level for Wraith ground attack and Valkyrie attack.
  • +2 bonus to attack per level for Wraith air attack.
  • +3 bonus to attack per level for battlecruiser attack.
Purchased from Armory
Hotkey S
Level 1
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 267seconds
Level 2
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 300seconds
Required Science facility
Level 3
Cost 200 Minerals 200 Vespene gas 333seconds
Required Science facility
Purchased from Armory
Hotkey H
Level 1
Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 267seconds
Level 2
Cost 225 Minerals 225 Vespene gas 300seconds
Required Science facility
Level 3
Cost 300 Minerals 300 Vespene gas 333seconds
Required Science facility


Selected Confirming order
Repeatedly selected
Other lines


The name Tom Kazansky is a reference to Tom "Iceman" Kasanski from the movie, Top Gun.


  1. 1.0 1.1 StarCraft. Vivendi Games. Mission: Enslavers bonus campaign, mission 2A: "StarCraft Enslavers#" (in English). 1998.
  2. StarCraft. Vivendi Games. Mission: Enslavers bonus campaign, mission 2B: "The Rescue" (in English). 1998.
  3. StarCraft. Vivendi Games. Mission: Enslavers bonus campaign, mission 3B: "StarCraft Enslavers#" (in English). 1998.