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Traps are automated terran defense systems, often used to protect the interiors of both installations and science vessels.[1]

Trap Variants[]


Traps are found on instillation tileset micromanagement maps:

Flame Traps[]

The flame trap can be found hidden in walls. It fires a jet of flame.

Purchased from Engineering bay
Hotkey W
Level 1
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 267seconds
Level 2
Cost 175 Minerals 175 Vespene gas 300seconds
Required Science facility
Level 3
Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 333seconds
Required Science facility

Gun Traps[]

Gun traps can pop out of the floor, attacking opponents.

The United Earth Directorate refers to these systems as "autoguns".[2]

  • +1 bonus to goliath ground attack per level
  • +4 to goliath air attack per level (+2 per missile)
  • +2 to vulture attack per level
  • +3 to siege tank tank mode attack per level
  • +5 for siege tank siege mode attack per level
Purchased from Armory
Hotkey W
Level 1Level 1
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 267seconds
Level 2
Cost 175 Minerals 175 Vespene gas 300seconds
Required Science facility
Level 3
Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 333seconds
Required Science facility

Missile Traps[]

Missile traps can be hidden in the floor or in walls. They are most effective against large units.

  • +1 bonus to goliath ground attack per level
  • +4 to goliath air attack per level (+2 per missile)
  • +2 to vulture attack per level
  • +3 to siege tank tank mode attack per level
  • +5 for siege tank siege mode attack per level
Purchased from Armory
Hotkey W
Level 1Level 1
Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 267seconds
Level 2
Cost 175 Minerals 175 Vespene gas 300seconds
Required Science facility
Level 3
Cost 250 Minerals 250 Vespene gas 333seconds
Required Science facility

StarCraft: Ghost[]

FloorTrap Ghost Game1

Floor turret wireframe in StarCraft: Ghost

Traps were set to appear in StarCraft: Ghost, with "floor turrets" and "wall turrets" appearing to impede Nova's progress.

Within zerg structures, exploding pustules and spine traps would serve as traps Nova would have to avoid.[3]

StarCraft II[]

Weapon traps can burrow in StarCraft II. This does not render them invisible.

Perdition Turret[]

Main article: Perdition turret

Raynor's Raiders can build Perdition turrets.[4] The Terran Dominion used them to defend the Valhalla facility.[5] They are also present on Skygeirr Platform,[6] and the Moros.[7]

Gun Trap[]

Main article: Sentry gun

The Dominion used sentry guns to defend the Castanar facility.[8]


  1. StarCraft. Vivendi Games. Mission: The Amerigo (in English). 1998.
  2. StarCraft: Brood War. Vivendi Games. Mission: Patriot's Blood (in English). 1998.
  3. 2014-18-12, StarCraft: Ghost Demo Build., accessed on 2020-02-16
  4. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Zerg research (in English). 2010.
  5. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Wings of Liberty, Engine of Destruction (in English). 2010-07-27.
  6. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Infested (in English). 2013-03-12.
  7. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Conviction (in English). 2013-03-12.
  8. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Wings of Liberty, Piercing the Shroud (in English). 2010-07-27.

Stephanus Rudiyanto N. StarCraft: BroodWar Expert Guide. GameFAQs. Accessed 2012-02-04.
